SWTOR limiting In-Game access at launch

EA is going to restrict pre-orders to 500,000, and will only guarantee the first 50,000 get immediate access to the online game.

So Star Wars:  The Old Republic is now limiting the number of people who can access the actual game at launch.  This seems like a cheap ploy for EA to get more pre orders. Wow there are going to be a lot people crying at release, "WAAAAAH I paid for this game and I can't play, FU EA!!!!!".  I'm not too impressed they are using this technique to get more pre-orders, sadly it will work.

An EA rep told Game Informer, that when they reach their cap they will quickly work to expand the game's server capabilities and allow new players in. But the representative didn't know if that would take hours, weeks or months.
Really?  This massive of a company pushing out one of the biggest hyped MMO's in recent history doesn't know it's server's capabilities?  C'mon, this is just total BS marketing crap.  I'm starting to get more negative about this game, I guess my first instnct that EA is involved is right, they can take anything, even Star Wars and ruin it.

Original Article: http://ingame.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/08/22/7441863-cant-wait-for-star-wars-the-old-republic-better-move-jedi-fast

1 comment:

  1. I'm not too impressed they are using this technique to get more pre-orders, sadly it will work.swtor credits
